Windbridge Research Center
I am honored to be a Windbridge Certified Research Medium (WCRM) since February 2011 for the Windbridge Research Center for Applied Research in Human Potential.
Launched in 2008, the Windbridge Research Center, is dedicated to conducting world-class research on phenomena currently unexplained within traditional scientific disciplines. Their primary focus is on applied research with the goal of developing and distributing information, services, and technologies that allow people to reach their full potential so they can live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. They are concerned with asking, “What can we do with the potential that exists within our bodies, minds, and spirits?” Can we heal each other? Ourselves? Can we affect events and physical reality with our thoughts? Can we know things before they happen? Are we connected to each other? To the planet? Can we communicate with our loved ones who have passed?
To read more about Windbridge and the research being done there, click here:
The protocol used during my Windbridge Research Center certification is detailed in Dr. Julie Beischel’s 2007 peer-reviewed journal publication Contemporary Methods Used in Laboratory-based Mediumship Research available at The peer-reviewed article describing the blinded replication study during which I and 19 other mediums participated in 58 readings with statistically significant accuracy results can be acquired at:
Additionally, here is an interview with Dr. Julie Beischel of the Windbridge Research Center where she discusses the science of after death communication – including the quintuple blinded protocol for testing psychic mediums:
Forever Family Foundation
I have been honored to be a certified medium with the Forever Family Foundation since 2005, volunteering my services during grief retreats and group readings and events and presenting at annual conferences. I am also honored to sit on their Medium Advisory Board.
The Forever Family Foundation is a non-profit organization whose aim is to further the understanding of Afterlife Science through research and education while providing support and healing for people in grief. Membership in this organization is free.
afterlife science (af’ter·lïf’ sï’ens) n. The study of phenomena associated with survival of consciousness after death; including near death experiences, after death communications, life after life (death), and reincarnation.
Forever Family Foundation’s Mission Statement:
- To establish the existence of the continuity of the family, even though a member has left the physical world
- To stimulate thought among the curious, those questioning their relationship to the universe, and people who are looking for explanations of certain phenomena
- To financially support the continued research into survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science
- To provide a forum where individuals and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one can turn for support, information, and hope through state-of-the-art information and services provided by ongoing research into the survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science
If you’d like to read more about the Forever Family Foundation or join, please click here:
The Rhine
The Rhine Research Center explores the frontiers of consciousness and exceptional human experiences in the context of unusual and unexplained phenomena. The Rhine’s mission is to advance the science of parapsychology, to provide education and resources for the public, and to foster a community for individuals with personal and professional interest in PSI.
To learn more about The Rhine, click here: